I need published research on the topic on how teachers' expectations influence students' performance. I also need a literature review on this.

I searched in the box on the library site but got a lot of things that are not on the topic but on teachers and performance in general.


For the start, I recommend searching in the Academic Search Complete as a multidisciplinary database. Type the following terms: teacher expectations performance in children. Browsing through text of the first few articles provides a solid literature review of the topic at the beginning of each article. All these also point to the first study of teacher expectations and academic performance by Rosenthal in 1968. The results of his study were published in a book titled Pygmalion in the Classroom. In case you are intrigued by the title and use of the mythological figure of Pygmalion, check Encyclopedia Britannica or Wikipedia for the meaning. The study also brought a new concept of Pygmalion effect or Rosenthal effect in education. Since the topic is deeply embedded in psychology and attitudes of teachers, a good database to search is PsycArticles. Once in this database search with the following keywords: teacher expectations academic achievement students literature review. Here is one relevant example of such article, Brophy, J. E. (1983). Research on the self-fulfilling prophecy and teacher expectations. Journal Of Educational Psychology, 75(5), 631-661. doi:10.1037/0022-0663.75.5.631

To search for books select the tab BOOKS in the search box on the library website http://lib.sxu.edu/home. Type teacher expectations academic performance Rosenthal effect.


  • Last Updated Oct 25, 2017
  • Views 121
  • Answered By David Kohut

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