I'm looking for peer reviewed articles published in the last 12 years on SIADH and lung cancer.

I have to write an analysis of a case study given to us in class by locating a peer-reviewed article on this topic.


The first step is to identify the relevant subject databases. They are: CINAHL, Medline, Journals at Ovid LWW Nursing & Health Professions Premier, and Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). On the library website select the link Databases (http://lib.sxu.edu/database).
The main concepts/keywords are: SIADH and Lung Cancer. You should then limit the results to the last 12 years (left side of the results screen) and English language (particularly in Medline that has a high proportion of articles in other languages).


  • Last Updated Oct 25, 2017
  • Views 141
  • Answered By David Kohut

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