matthew in the bible about the healing of the man with withered hand

I want to write a paper on redactional analsis : matthew 12:9-14 verses Mark 3:1-6 about the "healing of the man with withered hand"


To start your paper, you might want to look at commentaries.  To find commentaries go to

and enter  bible commentaries

this will lead you to bible commentaries that will include Matt and Mark -  usually and overview and then more specif. on verses.

You can also enter in

mark bible

mathew bible

to find more materials

You can also go to

and search ATLA database

try entering in keyworks like   matthew redaction

and then examine the titles and subject headings of the results to see if they apply to what you want. Try new terms too.

  • Last Updated Oct 25, 2017
  • Views 99
  • Answered By David Kohut

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