I need to find examples from current newspapers about moral injustice.

How do I do this?


In order to answer the query we need to define the concept of "moral injustice". A quick search on Google brings logical definitions from a few sources. They help us consider other related concepts such as, "moral wrong", "moral exclusion", or the opposite term, "moral justice". Moral injustice is based on a system of personal values and beliefs rather than legal punishments and retributions. The next step now is to search Lexis-Nexis database for newspaper articles. Browsing some of the articles for those phrases listed above shows examples of excessive executive pays and joblessness, poverty, women's rights or bullying. "Moral injustice" is also closely related to "social injustice".

  • Last Updated Oct 25, 2017
  • Views 2782
  • Answered By David Kohut

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