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Engagement and Creation of Professional Identity in Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Convention-Style Orientation Event
Melanie Sue Burkhardt, PhD, MAppPsych(Clin); Shelley Gower, PGDipEd; Helen Flavell, PhD; John Taplin, MClinNur (IC), RN
* Journal of Nursing Education
* December 2015 - Volume 54 ยท Issue 12: 712-715<>
* Posted November 24, 2015
* DOI: 10.3928/01484834-20151110-09
Engagement and Creation of Professional Identity in Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Convention-Style Orientation Event
Melanie Sue Burkhardt, PhD, MAppPsych(Clin); Shelley Gower, PGDipEd; Helen Flavell, PhD; John Taplin, MClinNur (IC), RN
* Journal of Nursing Education
* December 2015 - Volume 54 ยท Issue 12: 712-715<>
* Posted November 24, 2015
* DOI: 10.3928/01484834-20151110-09
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