Results for Instruction Request Form.

Form Name: Instruction Request Form
Description: includes information desired for an effective information skills session
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Course Instructor: : Stephanie Behne
Course Title: : English 120
Course Number: : 120
Class Time(s) Requested: : 8-8:50 am and 11:00-11:50 - 2 periods/sections Class meets M, W, F. I am fairly open with dates at this point.
Class location (if there is projection ... if not we can utilize the Library Classroom, L127): : L210 (8 am), Library Classroom necessary for 11 am class
Number of students: : 37 total (2 sections)
Related Assignment details (or a copy of the syllabus): : I am developing a summary and response assignment that practices argument. Students will read varying opinions on guns and gun control from their text and popular sources (The Atlantic, NY Times). They will choose from New York Times opinion pieces on guns to summarize and present their own opinion(s) in an essay of about 900 words** I am interested in providing my students with a general overview of the library, with some instruction on searching for this particular assignment. What I would like from a library session: 1. A general overview of what the library does, incl. definition/discussion of popular vs. scholarly sources (Students will rely on popular sources, i.e. New York Times for my assignment, but I want them to know basic search techniques and ways of evaluating valid sources generally) **Students will use minimal outside sourcing for evidence to support their own views/refute those in the opinion piece they choose. For that reason, I don't want to delve very deeply into searching for scholarly sources. I want them to know where to go, however, when that need arises. I would like to limit searching techniques to more mainstream sources to fulfill this assignment. 2. Can you give a handout with information summarized for them to take and refer to? I'd like them to begin developing a comfort level with the library and its use without being overwhelmed. My students are college freshman from a variety of backgrounds, with varying skill levels. Please feel free to reach out to talk more specifically in person about these 2 identical presentations, for each section of English 120. I'm more than happy to discuss in person and am open to suggestions. Thanks, Stephanie Behne


Greetings Stephanie,

I would be glad to meet with you and your class to provide an orientation to library resources.  I will check on lab availability and get back to you via campus e-mail.

Thanks, James

Associate Librarian

  • Last Updated Oct 25, 2017
  • Views 97
  • Answered By James Kusik

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