alumni access to library materials?

The Library offers a special welcome to alumni and staff of Saint Xavier University.

The following section describes the services available according to patron type, based upon our contractual arrangements with various commercial and consortial vendors.


Current staff can use the Library's databases on and off campus.

Alumni can use the Library's computers on campus to access our databases and electronic books. Licensing agreements with database publishers and vendors preclude the off-campus use of our databases and e-books by alumni. Alumni who have registered with Alumni Relations for new ID cards can access our databases from the library workstations. Alumni who have not registered with the University can use a variety of public domain tools from off campus, and should contact their public libraries which often offer significant fulltext databases from homes once users register for a public library card.

SXU BOOKS: With a valid Cougar Card, alumni and staff can borrow an unlimited number of books from the SXU Library. The borrowing period is eight weeks, and items may be renewed once. Four movies from the Library may be borrowed for fourteen days, and items may not be renewed.


Staff with a valid Cougar Card can use the Library's I-Share and interlibrary-loan services to request materials nationwide.

Alumni must contact their local public library for non-SXU books, alumni accounts will not connect to the I-Share consortial libraries delivery system.


  • Last Updated Dec 06, 2018
  • Views 51
  • Answered By David Stern

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